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Footnotes: Blog of ETFA

Diabetes Myth from Sowell Podiatry

A common diabetes myth is that because diabetes is so prevalent it must not be that serious.  I beg to differ.  Every day I meet new patients who suffer greatly due to their diabetes.  Blindness, amputations and a shorter lif are just a few complications from the...

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Staff Meeting at Sowell Podiatry Leads to Core Values Defined

I know it has been a while since my blog.  I guess, life has a way of distracting us all at times and I'm really excited to back at my keyboard pecking away!  Yesterday, the staff of Sowell Podiatry sat down for an extended meeting to discuss where we are...and where...

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Orthotics at Sowell Podiatry in Nacogdoches and Carthage Texas

Foot orthotics are supportive devices that are designed specifically for the purpose of improving one’s postural stability, reducing shock impact, and/or improving weight distribution.  In most cases, these devices are functional in the sense that they also improve...

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Neuromas at Sowell Podiatry in Nacogdoches and Carthage Texas

Neuromas are nerve irritations that involve typically an enlarged or swollen segment of the nerve itself.  In some cases, these neuromas can actually resemble a small grape in size and can cause significant discomfort to the patient.  The individual with such an...

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Limb Length Discrepancy at Sowell Podiatry

A limb length discrepancy is a condition in which one leg is longer than the other.  Some people have this condition and are completely unaware of it, while others experience a great deal of pain and discomfort.  This condition can alter the way you walk, can affect...

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