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Footnotes: Blog of ETFA

Rest Pain

Rest pain is a pain that is typically felt in the feet and legs while trying to fall asleep.  Patients will describe a burning that often requires them to get up and move around or to hang their feet off of the side of the bed.  Some patients will even sleep in a...

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Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is a result of a nail growing into the skin that surrounds it.  The big toe is the most common location but it may occur in any digit.  At Sowell Podiatry, ingrown toes nails are very common.  Too often these ingrown toenails are not cared for...

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PAD – Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a condition that affects approximately 12 million Americans.  It occurs when blood vessels become narrowed and restrict blood flow.  PAD can develop in many areas of the body but is very often first seen in the lower legs and...

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Morton’s Neuroma

Morton's Neuroma is a benign thickening or enlargement of an intermetatarsal plantar nerve.  The area of the foot known as “the ball of the foot” is made up of five large joints with very little room in the spaces between the joints.  When these joints bump together,...

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A hammertoe is a change in toe position due to contracture of tendons, laxity of ligaments or arthritic change in joints.  These generally progress over time and have many causes and presentations. Hammertoes, one of the most painful foot ailments, can often be traced...

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A podiatrist, like myself, is trained to handle almost all conditions concerning the foot.  Not a week goes by in my office that someone does not come in with some sort of broken bone. If you feel you have broken a bone in your foot please seek medical attention...

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Corns and Calluses

Our bodies have a wonderful ability to protect us from injury.  For example, reflexes help us avoid many bumps and bruises. Another protective ability we don’t often think about is the skin’s ability to avoid ulceration.  When the foot is getting a large amount of...

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A bunion is a bony lump on the side of your foot, which develops when your big toe starts to angle towards your second toe. The bunion eventually causes discomfort and pain. The skin over the lump can become red, blistered or infected. A fluid-filled space called a...

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  Today, we know that you don’t have  be a liar, touch a toad, or drink a witch’s evil potion to get a wart.  In all probability, you can’t even grow one by touching another person’s wart.  Apparently, these lesions are non-contagious but can spread within the...

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Plantar Fasciitis – Heel Pain

The band that runs along the bottom of the foot from your heel to the ball of the foot is called the plantar fascia.  To find your plantar fascia, simply lift your big toe and the plantar fascia will typically “pooch” out along the arch on the bottom of your foot. The...

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Core Values Rewritten

Sowell Podiatry has designed a new website.  In that process I have rewritten our core values in a way that makes more sense.  Even though they are the same generally, I thought I would repost them on this blog as they stand today:   We provide the highest level of...

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Venous Stasis – Chronic Swelling in the Legs

Venous stasis or stasis dermatitis is changes in the skin that occur when blood collects (pools) in the veins of the lower leg. Caused by venous insufficiency this is a long-term (chronic) condition in which the veins have problems sending blood from the legs back to...

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