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Many of my patients know that I am actively involved with Regents Academy in Nacogdoches.  In fact, I currently have the honor of serving the school as Board Chairman. A lesser known fact about my involvement at the school is that I am the high school basketball coach!  Regents Academy is fortunate to have the best and brightest students in Nacogdoches.  These kids work hard.   Latin, Logic, Omnibus, Math, etc. is very challenging and most of our students are also highly involved in extracurricular activities such as debate, classical instruments, choir, drama and academic competitions to name a few.

This makes it very hard to develop successful athletic programs.  So I write this blog in an effort to recognize the hard work my players made to achieve their goal of winning a basketball game in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools. Mitchell Henry, Ali Hosseimpour, Payton Andrews, Will Alders, Tyler Sowell, Tim Marshall, Sam Alders and Aaron Bryant did the work.  They practiced, they played, they lost and then they practiced again.  They are a great example of what hard work can do and I congratulate them for their efforts.  Hard work and perseverance are great character traits for young men to learn early in life and this is a great example of what we are trying to do at Regents Academy.  Develop thinking Christians with character.  I know we won’t win every game from this point forward but we should recognize their effort. Congratulations Eagles!

Regents Academy Eagles Basketball

Regents Academy Eagles Basketball

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