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Unfortunately I have severe foot deformities and diabetes. I had wounds on my feet that were getting worse and I was in fear of losing my feet. My wife and I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Sowell to see if he could help and he began a wound care plan while changing my shoes and insoles to reduce the pressures on my feet. Each visit my wounds were smaller and now I no longer have wounds on my feet. I am definitely in a better state of mind now and I see Dr. Sowell regularly just to make sure no new issues arise.
James G.

I was having severe pain in my heels before I met Dr. Daugherty. I had tried home remedies and insoles but was not getting any better. The day after my visit my pain was gone and I am able to do my daily activities, routines and hobbies without having pain.
Joe N.

My foot had a wound that had not healed for a long time and it was more than I could handle. I needed help. Dr. Daugherty showed he really understood my condition, that he cared, and I saw improvement in my wound quickly. I no longer worry about my foot. I highly recommend Dr. Daugherty.
Jay W.

I was in tears over my heel pain. After researching at home I tried stretching and ice but was not getting any better. I met with Dr. Daugherty and he had a plan to fix my problem with surgery and I have been pain free since. Now my feet don’t hurt when I get out of bed and I can work all day and not think about my feet. It’s great!
Susan M.

My toe was so painful I could not wear shoes and even when I tried shoe changes I was still in pain by the end of the day. Dr. Sowell had a plan for my problem and after surgery on that painful toe I can now wear all my shoes whenever I want! Life is better and I am finally pain free
Ella S.

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