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Core Value 5

We are available to our patients in their time of need, even if it is after hours.

thumbs_CV_010We care about our patients and want to be available to them around the clock. Podiatry does not have many “emergencies” and therefore allows us to be fairly open with our contact information. We trust our patients to use wisdom when deciding if they are experiencing an emergency and whether Dr. Sowell will be able to help them. During regular office hours, the phones are covered (even during lunch) and after hours there is an answering machine that will record messages that are not of an emergent nature. Dr. Sowell provides his cell phone numbers to his patients and it is included on all operative instructions. Also, he is on staff at most area hospitals and can be reached by simply asking staff to contact him. We also answer email questions from our website and blog if you have a special question or concern that is not an emergency or does not require an office visit.


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