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As a podiatrist, amputation prevention is one of my primary goals.  Every day I see patients with serious wounds, infections, injuries and insults that put them at risk of losing a toe, foot or limb.  Patients that are lacking adequate circulation and/or have lost feeling in their feet are particularly at risk as well as those patients who have not taken their problem seriously and have allowed too much time to pass before seeking care.  All this to say that recently I was reading an article about a diabetic limb salvage team in Arizona that is having a great impact on their community through the efforts of a multi-specialty approach to at risk limbs.

These physicians work together to improve communication, share expertise and speed up the delivery of medical services to their patients.  When reflecting on this article I was reminded of how fortunate I am to practice podiatry in a community of committed physicians who make these hurdles nearly invisible.  Every day I work with primary care physicians, internists, vascular surgeons, neurologists, general surgeons and orthopedists who want to help.  They appreciate the seriousness of wounds and the impact they have on our community and they work together as a team to save limbs.

I want to say, Thank you, to my medical colleagues who are committed to this effort and I look forward to many more years working together.

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